Shop floor information
Project Objectives
- Establish a framework for:
- Job definition and skills required for the job
- Processes and documentation
- Visual management and visual communication in the workplace
- Integration with the TKO system
Project Team

Duane Bird
Tas-Fab Laser Services

David Thomas
Tas-Fab Laser Services

Ian Harris
ACL Bearing Co.

Brian Lockhart
Bell Bay Aluminium

Nick Williams
Kempe Engineering

Bob Cother
The Action Learning Institute

Bill Woodworth
Bell Bay Aluminium
Key measurables
- Within five weeks, to have developed the framework, using the laser operator job role as the prototype
- Within six months, to have rolled the framework out across the Profile Cutting Department
Companies involved
Tas-Fab Laser Services (host)
Bell Bay Aluminium
Kempe Engineering
- ACL Bearing Co.
Approach taken
- Value Stream Mapping of laser services
- Collection of key data for Laser 3050
- Employee interviews
- Legislative review
- Developed task list for operator to determine information required
- Explored hard copy and display options
- Trialled (existing) online TKO system
- Developed a Profile Cutting Department Menu on existing workstation terminal:
- Standard Operating Procedures
- Troubleshooting
- Risk Assessment
- Skills Matrix
- Job Descriptions
- Training Plan
- Developed procedure for assessing skills and training new recruits
- Identified options for external training and relevant funding sources
Summary of outcomes
- Accelerated development of employees
- For employees, greater job satisfaction and a pathway to achieve their potential
- Freed up supervisor to concentrate on supervision and team development for:
- smoother more consistent work
- flow
- less rework
- shorter lead times
- higher quality output