BREP Online Learning

Waste auditing

Waste auditing is a critical process for improving sustainability and efficiency. It involves systematically examining resource usage and management practices to identify opportunities for improvement.

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Life Cycle Assessment

LCA helps us understand the complete picture of how a product impacts our planet, allowing businesses and consumers to make more environmentally responsible choices.

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Problem solving

These common problem solving tools can be applied to identify root causes and generate ideas for increasing resource efficiency.

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Preparing a business case

Preparing a business case will help you to decide if the cost of improvement is worthwhile and provide justification for others, who need to be engaged for change to be successfully implemented.

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Sustainable Design

Sustainable design principles invite us to rethink the perceived value of a product or service and consider the social, environmental and economic impacts of our design choices.

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The Circular Economy

In a circular economy, we keep resources in use for as long as possible, extract the maximum value from them whilst in use, then recover and regenerate products and materials at the end of each product service life.

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Audit Checklist template
Waste Survey Worksheet
Waste Survey Calculator
A3 Problem Solving template
Cause and Effect Worksheet
Set Meeting Agenda template
Company Profile
Request for Information template
Audit Report template with guidelines
Audit Plan template

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The Business Resource Efficiency Program is funded by, and delivered in partnership with, the Tasmanian government.