Clean, Green and Lean LAUNCESTON
The first of four seminars presented in partnership with the Tasmanian Climate Change Office, this seminar will explore opportunities for the application of Lean principles to increase profitability and sustainability.
Clean, Green and Lean BURNIE
The first of four seminars presented in partnership with the Tasmanian Climate Change Office, this seminar will explore opportunities for the application of Lean principles to increase profitability and sustainability.
Circular Economies LAUNCESTON
The second of four seminars presented in partnership with the Tasmanian Climate Change Office, this seminar will explore the benefits of circular economies, how they work, and seek to identify opportunities in the region.
Circular economies BURNIE
The second of four seminars presented in partnership with the Tasmanian Climate Change Office, this seminar will explore the benefits of circular economies, how they work, and seek to identify opportunities in the region.
Raw materials to end consumer BURNIE
The third of four seminars presented in partnership with the Tasmanian Climate Change Office, this seminar will demonstrate how collaboration can identify hidden waste in the interface between suppliers and customers.
Raw materials to end consumer LAUNCESTON
The third of four seminars presented in partnership with the Tasmanian Climate Change Office, this seminar will demonstrate how collaboration can identify hidden waste in the interface between suppliers and customers.
FOGO for business LAUNCESTON
The final of four seminars presented in partnership with the Tasmanian Climate Change Office, this seminar will showcase opportunities for diverting organic waste from a range of industries.
FOGO for business BURNIE
The final of four seminars presented in partnership with the Tasmanian Climate Change Office, this seminar will showcase opportunities for diverting organic waste from a range of industries.
Closing the loop on Commercial and Industrial Plastic Waste
Business Action Learning Tasmania Ltd (BALT) invites businesses in food and beverage, maritime, primary production, and other manufacturing industries generating large volumes of plastic waste, to join Mike Turner and Jenny Brown, the founders of Envorinex, for an informative seminar and open discussion on the future of plastic in Tasmania.